Hardwood Carved Rustic Camp Sign - Rectangle with double notched corners (C5)
Thank you for viewing my custom 3 dimensional carved Hardwood signs.
Here is a handsome, rustic, personalized camp sign. Use it at your camp, lake house, cabin or even on your camper!
To order, you can choose one of our standard sizes, and send us a note at checkout with the details you would like to see on your sign, OR
If you need a different size, image, or more text, we can customize this sign, or point you to another listing that fits your needs.
The sign pictured has a stained background and is made of Hardwood .
Made in the USA. High quality, hand painted, carved solid
plaque. Texture carved into the background to give it a weathered wood look. Letters, and design are all raised and hand painted. unless you choose another mounting option..
Great gift idea for weddings, showers, anniversary's, new homes, or any occasion.
Get it from The Carving Company!