House number and last name with Cape Cod or other stock image (A78)
Add this unique address sign to your home entrance with your last name, colors, and Cape Cod emblem. It is carved so that the emblem and border are raised. The text is carved inwards, and the background is smooth. Customize this sign any way you would like. Just ask us.
This sign is priced for a sign with a similar amount of characters. If you need a different size, image, shape, or more text, we can adjust the size, or point you to another listing that fits your needs - just let us know first.
First choose a size and finish from the drop down menu. Then customize this sign with your name, colors, and house number in the notes section of the checkout or email us. If you have many changes, start a custom order request. We won't carve your sign until we've sent you computer generated artwork, and you approve it.
Colors are you choice. Specialty matching colors requires an extra charge, but painting in the general color range you request does not. The sign pictured is carved from PVC and is intended for outdoor use. We can also make this a double sided sign - contact us for pricing. Half numbers and special characters are accepted.
Production time can vary depending on workload. Check our shipping times or contact us for updates.
are if needed.